I decided to try the AI Format on a trial basis on 5 undervalued claims. I submitted the new demands using the new AI format to open the value driver windows, and I was able to get policy limits on all 5 cases. I am very excited to add this new AI Format and additional information to all of our cases.4 TO 5 TIMES INCREASES WITH AI
Generally speaking, cases where decision points and value drivers were missing in my demand, settled in the $2,500 - $7,500 range. AI driven cases on average settle for 4 to 5 times more, and I get policy limits on many. I never knew decision points were missing in my demand. AI opens up a new realm of claim processing for me.ATTORNEY KEPT GETTING “KNOCKED AROUND” BY ADJUSTERS
Attorney Maurice was very reluctant to change. He balked at even trying the AI version even though he had lowballed cases sitting on his desk. Then he said: I kept getting knocked around by the adjuster, so I tried the AI format & sent it in. Got paid. The FULL POLICY COVERAGE LIMIT!3 VICTIMS IN THE SAME CAR WENT TO 3 DIFFERENT LAWYERS. 1 LAWYER USED AI AND RECIEVED RAVE RESULTS.
3 people in the same vehicle went to 3 different lawyers. No settlement offer had been made on any claim after a long time. Then I used the AI process and received a settlement offer of 50 thousand ($50,000) dollars. The other 2 claimants were still being denied settlement at that timeAI ADDS $29,999
I clearly attribute the 29 thousand dollar increase in settlement offer to the decision points and value drivers added through AI.NOT A PENNY WAS OFFERED BEFORE AI WAS USED
This Attorney reported that not a penny was offered during the initial arbitration. Then after using the AI format, an out-of-court settlement was reached at over 100,000 dollars.AI REVERSED A LOWBALL SETTLEMENT BLAMED ON PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS AS THIS ATTORNEYS CLIENT WAS DEJECTED AFTER THE INITIAL OFFER
Wow, is all I can say. I can’t wait each day to use this AI tool on all my new injury clients to prevent them from getting lowballed in the first place. I met with one client this week, and he was very dejected about the impact this accident has had on his quality of life. I understand he had pre-existing material conditions, but this accident has tremendously impacted his mental and physical well-being. I am amazed as I have not previously experienced anything as AI that reverses undervaluation's when there have been prior accidents and pre-existing conditions. Thank you very much for your help in this new AI system to represent the injured and win the greater weight challenges to overcome the varying medical opinions and common litigation obstacles when there have been preexisting conditions and prior accidents.3 CLAIMS WERE STALLED FOR 3 YEARS UNTIL AI
After several years and still no settlement agreement on three (3) separate P.I. cases I was representing, I tried the AI version. I resubmitted three new AI formatted demands incorporating previously missing value drivers that I was completely unaware of. Within 14 days of resubmission, the AI format added decision points in my new demand that translated into dollar amounts. The 3 cases settled out of court for: $55,000.00, $86,000.00 and $92,000.00 respectively.ATTORNEY USES AI TO HELP YOUNG MAN WITH NO LIVING PARENTS
I really wanted to see my client receive a nice settlement. He was a young man with no parents and trying to put himself through college. The initial settlement offer was 8 thousand dollars. I thought that was good, considering he was driving a large truck hit by a small car with no vehicle damage. But, I really wanted him to receive more money, so I decided to try the AI tool. After submitting the new AI demand, including the added decision points and value drivers, my client was offered 88 thousand dollars within three weeks, which he gladly accepted.AI RESPONSIBLE FOR $70,000 INCREASE IN SETTLEMENT
The Client was going to accept an initial offer of $10 thousand. Then I used the AI tool and resubmitted the AI formatted demand, then received a new settlement offer of $80 thousand, which my client decided to accept.AI VS BIOMECHANICAL EXPERT
This AI demand prevailed against a biomechanical expert who was also an M.D., who claimed since there was only minimal damage to the vehicle, there could only be minimal injuries to the vehicle occupants. He was rather defenseless when confronted with the AI demand.FROM A $33,000 OFFER TO $1,000 SHORT OF POLICY COVERAGE LIMITS
I sent a demand for $44,000 and was offered $33,000. Then I resubmitted the AI formatted demand and within days we received a new offer of $99,000 which was $1,000 short of the policy coverage limit. They still play games but AI changes the way the game is played, and results of the AI demand is measured in numbers that have always enhanced and increased my claim values every time. I'm a new and repeat AI user.AI UNCOVERS $100,000+ OF OVERLOOKED VALUATION ON ALMOST EVERY INJURY CLAIM I USE IT ON
I had a soft tissue claim that I hoped would settle in the $30,000 range. The AI Economists Calculation valued the claim at $237,000. It's amazing how AI discovers missing non-economic damages and value drivers for loss of services in 8 categories and overlooked threshold injuries missed by doctors.CLE CHAIR CITES AI AS REASON FOR WORKING LESS HARD
I just settled another case for limits. AI and I make such a great team! I never have to work hard using AI and I honestly can’t thank you enough. 😁AFTER 43 YEARS, I THOUGHT IT WAS TIME TO RETIRE
It seems lately, no matter what we do, insurers won't offer more than $8,000.00 on soft tissue injury claims. I literally don't know what to do and we are one of the biggest firms in our area. Then I attend a CLE Presentation where I learned about this AI format and have found the answer to my problems. I have scraped any more thoughts of retirement. DesignationAFTER REVIEWING THE AI DEMAND, THE MEDIATOR CONTACTED ME EX-PARTE WHICH IS UNHEARD OF
The mediator called me to say that he has been doing this for a very long time but has never seen anything like this AI demand in his entire life and just said he had to call and tell me. Designation
I’ll be sure to tell everyone I know how much the AI demand helped me and how effortless it was. The initial offer was $22,000.00. After I resubmitted a new AI drafted Demand, the adjuster didn’t argue and handed the release for full policy limits within hours.