Added Valuation With Economist calculations for loss of services

-Maximize monetary compensation for injury claims

-Reduce time, spend and hassle related to claims assessment

-Access a team of professionals for a unique perspective not available elsewhere

-Leave no money on the table with a reliable, economist's calculation of elements of damages

Maximize monetary compensation for injuries with a claim audit

Add elements of damages across 30 monetary markers, and 67,880 "Value Driver" decision points

Save time and money and get the maximum potential valuation for your injury claim 

Receive a unique perspective that is affordable and ensures no money is being left on the table 

A Settle Max audit provides a reliable economist's calculation for unparalleled accuracy in damages calculations

30 Monetary Markers

More Markers = More Value. Audits reveal hidden markers which open the insurer software payment "windows" wider to secure more compensation for injuries.

67,880 Decision Points

Insurers use points to determine the range of worth of an injury claim. Audits search & tag these "Value Driver" decision points so they are included in the demand for settlement.

Economist Calculations

Audits Calculate Dollar of the Day values using Time Use Surveys and Expectancy Data which can add 6 Figures+ for Damages.

Loss of services

Insurers recognize and assign valuation for each of these categories. Audits use inventories to search and tag loss of 9 Categories of services.

How Pain & Suffering are Determined

True Pain & Suffering is based on the Whole Person Impairment (WPI) rating and the loss of function for the applicable Diagnostic Related Estimate (DRE) Category.


Reports indicate that only 5% of physicians perform impairment ratings. This has led many attorneys to determine pain & suffering by attaching a multiplier to the medical bills.


The impairment rating accounts for 25% of the entire medical portion of the injury claim. Our audit includes an impairment rating, so you recover any losses for missing impairments. We also perform economist’s calculations related to assessments for; Threshold Injuries, Loss of Services, Elements of Damages among 67,880 decision points & value drivers, as well as for emotional and cognitive disorders that often occur in MVAs.

– We are always innovating and looking for ways to improve the audit process

– Our passion for our work is evident in our dedication to maximizing your injury claims
– We are dedicated to excellence and will ensure you get the most from the insurers

– We are here for you every step of the way, from start to finish


When you add missing Threshold Injuries and Loss of Services from audit inventories and provide economists’ calculations for damages across the 30 monetary markers and 67,880 decision point value drivers of an injury claim, you can be sure you are leaving no money on the table

Market - Replacement or Per Diem Analysis for Loss of Services?

The dollar-of-the-day amount for loss of services is based on the Bureau of Labor, Occupational Employment, and Time use Surveys applied for loss of services when the injured cannot perform gainful activities and could match the earnings loss per day for a total payout equal to the number of days of incapacitation.

Adding These Factors Always Adds Valuations

  • Economists Calculations
  • Elements of Damages
  • Loss of Services
  • Monetary Claim Markers
  • Decision Points & Increase Multipliers
  • True Pain & Suffering Formula
  • MTBI /Emotional /Cognitive Disorders
  • Impairment Rating
  • Telemedicine Inventories to surface missed Threshold Injuries

Our Speed of Processing will Quickly and Affordably;

  • Maximize claim valuation 
  • Add “Elements of Damages”
  • Formulate your demand from scratch
  • Include exhibits
  • Save you 50% of legal time-and-spend
  • Push claims through faster

Decision Point To Dollar Translation Percentage Multiplier Formula

While we’ve heard that many do not believe insurers use a formula, today, insurers determine the range of worth of an injury claim based on the

Decision Point To Dollar Translation Percentage Multiplier Formula.


Decision points translate into a dollar amount based on each insurer’s rate.


Missing decision points = missing settlement valuation.


Prevent missing decision points! Order an audit. 

Get In Touch for a Free Review of One of Your Injury Claims

Get a FREE analysis of the range of worth of any personal injury claim with reports and options to get the highest settlement for your clients’.

We’ll review a claim and provide a report showing what can be done to maximize the valuation of your injury claim.

We’ll also show you how our rebuttal is being used to reverse unfair undervaluation after an initial low offer.