- Owner, Kentucky Injury & Rehab, Louisville, Kentucky, 2017 – Present
- Academy of Chiropractic – Active Trauma Team Member, 2018 – Present
- Owner, Jeffersontown Chiropractic, Jeffersontown, Kentucky, 2008 – 2015
- Doctor of Chiropractic, Licensed in the State of Kentucky, License # 4511, 1999-Present
- Doctorate of Chiropractic, Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport , Iowa, 1999
- Internship, Palmer Clinics, Davenport , Iowa, 1997 – 1999
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part I, 1997
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part II, 1997
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part III, 1998
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Part IV, 1998
- National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Physiotherapy, 1998
- Undergraduate studies in Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1991 – 1995
- American Board of Independent Medical Examiners training and certification in the use of the AMA Guides to Impairment 5th Edition, This course reviewed and tested on the application of the AMA Guides to Impairment 5th Edition. Certification in AMA Guides to Impairment 5th Edition, Marshall University, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2019
- American Board of Independent Medical Examiners training and certification in the use of the AMA Guides to Impairment 6th Edition. This course reviewed and tested on the application of the AMA Guides to Impairment 6th Edition. Certification in AMA Guides . Marshall University. Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine. Charlotte. North Carolina. 2019
- Current Literature Standards of MRI Spine Interpretation; Primary Spine Care S. MRI Spine Interpretation of the spine. How to triage a trauma and non-trauma with advanced imaging and document the necessity We will also cover the basics of MRI Spine Interpretation inclusive of all types of herniations. bulges Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. PACE Approved for the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. Cleveland University- Kansas City. College of Chiropractic. Long Island NY . 2018
- Evidenced Based Care in a Collaborative Setting: Primary Spine Care S. A literature based model for collaborating with hospitals. medical primary care providers and specialists. Reviewing the documentation requirements to communicate the diagnosis. prognosis and treatment plans with medical entities and having the evidence as a basis for those recommendations Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. PACE Approved for the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. Cleveland University- Kansas City. College of Chiropractic. Long Island NY. 2018
- Spine Brain Connection in Pain Pathways: Primary Spine Care S. MRI Spine The spine-brain connection in managing chronic pain patients. Understanding how chronic pain negatively effects brain morphology and potential pathology as The role of chiropractic in preventing the loss of gray matter and the most recent evidence as outlined in indexed peer reviewed literature over the last 10 years verifying chiropractic’s role Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. PACE Approved for the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. Cleveland University- Kansas City. College of Chiropractic. Long Island NY. 2018
- Bio-Neuro-Mechanical Mechanism of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment: Primary Spine Care S. The biological. neurological and mechanical mechanisms and pathways from the thrust to the lateral horn and brain connection and how the brain processes the chiropractic spinal adjustment based upon the literature. Care paths of chiropractic and physical therapy from an outcome basis Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. PACE Approved for the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. Cleveland University- Kansas City. College of Chiropractic. Long Island NY. 2018
- Documenting Clinically Correlated Bodily Injury to Causality. Understanding the necessity for accurate documentation. diagnosis and clinical correlation to the injury when reporting injuries in the medical-legal community. Documenting the kinesiopathology. myopathology. neuropathology. and pathophysiology in both a functional and structural paradigm Cleveland University Kansas City. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Long Island. NY. 2018
- Neurodiagnostic Testing Protocols. Physiology and Indications for the Trauma Patient Electromyography (EMG). Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV). Somato Sensory Evoked Potential (SSEP). Visual Evoked Potential (VEP). Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAER) and Visual-Electronystagmosgraphy (VENG) interpretation. protocols and clinical indications for the trauma patient Cleveland University – Kansas City. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Long Island. NY. 2018
- Documentation and Reporting for the Trauma Victim. Understanding the necessity for accurate documentation and diagnosis utilizing the ICD-9 and the CPT to accurately describe the injury through diagnosis. Understanding and utilizing state regulations on reimbursement issues pertaining to healthcare Cleveland University Kansas City. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Long Island. NY. 2018
- MRI. Bone Scan and X-Ray Protocols. Physiology and Indications for the Trauma Patient MRI interpretation. physiology. history and clinical indications. bone scan interpretation. physiology and clinical indications. x-ray clinical indications for the trauma patient Cleveland University Kansas City. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Long Island. NY. 2018
- Crash Dynamics and Its Relationship to Causality. An extensive understanding of the physics involved in the transference of energy from the bullet car to the target car This includes G’s of force. newtons. gravity. energy. skid marks. crumple zones. spring factors. event data recorder and the graphing of the movement of the vehicle before. during and after the crash. Determining the clinical correlation of forces and bodily injury Cleveland University Kansas City. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Long Island. NY. 2018
- Neurodiagnostics. Imaging Protocols and Pathology of the Trauma Patient. An in-depth understanding of the protocols in triaging and reporting the clinical findings of the trauma patient. Maintaining ethical relationships with the medical-legal community Cleveland University Kansas City. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Long Island. NY. 2018
- Diagnostics. Risk Factors. Clinical Presentation and Triaging the Trauma Patient. An extensive understanding of the injured with clinically coordinating the history. physical findings and when to integrate neurodiagnostics. An understanding on how to utilize emergency room records in creating an accurate diagnosis and the significance of -risk factors- in spinal injury Cleveland University Kansas Cityt Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Long Island. NY. 2018
- Auto Trauma and Commonly Missed Spinal Ligament Injuries. Learn how to identifs,1 diagnose. and document commonly missed cervical spine ligament injuries. particularly those resulting from autocollision trauma. This course is designed to improve the doctors knowledge of spinal ligament injuries. as well as the related guidelines and research. Dr. Jack Sells. Precision Spinal Diagnostics. Texas College of Chiropractic. Louisville. Kentucky. 2018
- MRI History and Physics. Magnetic fields. Tl and T2 relaxations. nuclear spins. phase encoding. spin echo. Tl and T2 contrast. magnetic properties of metals and the historical perspective of the creation of NMR and MRI. Cleveland University Kansas City. ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Buffalo. NY. 2018
- MRI Disc Pathology and Spinal Stenosis. MRI interpretation of bulged. herniated. protruded. extruded. sequestered and fragmented disc pathologies in etiology and neurological sequelae in relationship to the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots Cleveland University Kansas City. ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Buffalo. NY. 2018
- MRI Methodology of Analysis. MRI interpretation sequencing of the cervical. thoracic and lumbar spine inclusive of T 1. T 2. STIR and 3D gradient studies to ensure the accurate diagnosis of the region visualized Cleveland University Kansas City. ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Academy of Chiropractic Post- Doctoral Division. Buffalo. NY. 2018
- MRI Clinical Application. The clinical application of the results of space occupying lesions. Disc and tumor pathologies and the clinical indications of manual and adjustive therapies in the patient with spinal nerve root and spinal cord insult as sequelae Cleveland University Kansas City. ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Buffalo. NY. 2018
- MRI Protocols Clinical Necessityc MRI slices. views. T 1. T 2. STIR axial. stacking. FFE. FSE and sagittal images. Clinical indication for the utilization of MRI and pathologies of disc in both trauma and non-trauma sequellae. including bulge. herniation. protrusion. extrusion and sequestration Cleveland University – Kansas City. ACCME Joint Providership with the State University of New York at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Academy of Chiropractic Post-Doctoral Division. Buffalo. NY. 2018